Edgar Allen Poe was a poor man. He did write a lot of poems but he also had a lot of challenges on the way. When Poe was 3 years old his mother died. This left him with a only a dad. In 1827, Poe deliberately gets kicked out of West Point. Rumor is that the final straw came when he reported for drill wearing belts for his cartridges. In 1834, John Allan dies, leaves Poe with nothing. John Allan is Poe's stepdad. This meant that Poe couldn't really support himself in college or in his life. In 1845, Poe wrote "The Raven." Even though this was his most popular poem, he only made $14.00 dollars. That was not a lot of money in his time. In 1847, Poe's wife died of "TB." This was very heart breaking for Poe because this was his 3rd close member to die with "TB." In 1849, Poe is found half conscious and taken to a hospital. He was on the side of a street in somebody else's clothing. People think it was a kidnap, but nobody knows. On October 7th, 1849, Edgar Allen Poe died. No one really knows how he died but there are some theories.
Nick C
Theories on Edgar Poe's death:
(Beating) At the time and for years before and after there was an infamous custom in this and other cities, at election time, of "cooping" voters. That is gangs of men who picked up people off the streets and if had to they would have to use force. They would put they in cells and threaten them, beat them, mug they, steal from them, or even beat them on the streets and leave them there to die.
(Rabies) Doctors aren't completely sure but they believe that based on his condition he had rabies a few days before his death, and they believe that he had got the rabies from cats.
(Porphyria) The patient said he felt miserable but denied specific pain. He did complain of mild diffuse abdominal discomfort and headache. He had no recollection of how he had arrived at the hospital or of the events leading up to his illness.
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